Monday, August 5, 2013

Please Ignore the Dust

Please excuse the mess while I revamp the blog and learn a little (ahem, a lot) about HTML and whatever the heck I'm trying to do here. And this is how I feel about that: But seriously, my goal is to provide more valuable and organized content for my fellow stitchers and fabriholics. And also, today is the first day of school (cue the fireworks and champagne cork popping!): Beloved Middle Child in 4th grade, Precious Princess in 1st grade,...

Friday, July 12, 2013

Several Small Finishes

I know many of you have mentioned this but being active on Instagram makes blogging sometimes seem redundant.  If you follow me on IG you've probably seen all of these, but I wanted to blog them anyway. First of all, I have been loving Anna from Noodlehead's Open Wide Pouch tutorial.  This is a generously free tutorial offered in multiple sizes.  I even ordered some laminate fabric to line some pouches for leaky toiletries. The first...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Salt Water Sailing

My sister Jenny is a South Carolina girl who grew up knowing that she wanted to live at the beach.  Unfortunately, the man she fell in love with is a die-hard Minnesotan!  She has a wonderful loving family who make it worth the sacrifice, but she still longs for her yearly vacation to the beach in the summer.  This summer, in celebration of our dad's 70th birthday, we planned a big family trip to the beach.  I knew I...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New Finishes!

Here are a few finishes from the last few months: Drunkard's Path pattern called Ornate by Christina at SometimesCrafter.      Fabric Buckets from a tutorial by Ashley at FilmInTheFridge.   Crazy baggy zipper pouch created from my own craziness for my friend LizInProgress.   Layer cake quilt using the tutorial 1+2 Easy Quilt Pattern by Samelia's Mum.       A minky doll quilt with...

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Stash Bash Registration is Open!

Visit or click directly on the registration button below for more information.  Come join us...

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Stash Bash!

Announcing The Stash Bash Sewing and Quilting Retreat April 11-14, 2013 at the Calvin Center in Atlanta, GA! As usual, I am on a complete high following an amazing Sewing Summit trip.  Getting together in real life with my online sewing friends is like a dream come true.  The only huge disappointment of the weekend was my own lack of energy to stay up all hours in the open sewing room laughing with all of my friends getting work done.  You know what I really want in addition to my annual beloved Sewing Summit?  A...

Friday, October 19, 2012

How To Customize An Ikea Table For Your Sewing Machine

Hi everyone.  This post is long-overdue!  I have promised many people a post on how we (ahem, my DH) took a $99 Ikea table and turned it into a customized sewing machine table.  Unfortunately, we didn't photograph the process, but I have taken lots of pics of the finished product so that I can try to describe it to you in detail. Essentially, we bought a basic Ikea table (I think it is this one).  Then we bought a piece of unfinished...