Monday, October 25, 2010

Toe Attack via Fig Tree Fresh Cottons

Toe Attack
Originally uploaded by Frecklemama

I am making the Cherry Delight quilt by Fig Tree Quilts using her Fresh Cottons line. I am a Fig Tree Fan to almost groupie proportions! Something about Joanna Figueroa's colors and style really connects with me.

I made a twin sized quilt using her Whimsy fabric earlier this summer as a graduation gift for our favorite babysitter. I'll share that soon. For some reasons the pictures I took aren't that great.

Anyway, while pressing the quilt top, I leave it hanging from my pressing table. When I step up to pin on the next row, my feet are often attacked by the Fresh Cottons Monster.


  1. Wonderful quilts!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. "fresh cottons monster" ...LOL! I've never had a pet so the stories and photos that people share with their pets & quilts always crack me up!
