Sunday, February 20, 2011

Good etiquette for the modern blogger week

Good etiquette for the modern blogger week
Originally uploaded by Flutter from.Kat (Mummastimetocreate)

Kat has put together a great series of posts about etiquette for the Modern Blogger. Go check it out at!

I spend much time living in fear of accidentally annoying/copying/offending my fellow craft bloggers. These posts help illustrate that we are all regular people who mostly want to contribute to a positive, active craft community online. I am so thankful for this community! Thankful as well to Kat for putting this together.

Go check it out!


  1. Thanks for the link! I haven't read it yet, but as a pretty new blogger, I worry about doing something wrong to offend someone unintentionally. That's why I add a lot of :) Thanks :)
